Removing Lug & Wheel Nuts with the Mini-Ductor® Induction Heater

Learn how to complete the application and which tool is recommended for the job.

Removing seized lug and wheel nuts is often a lengthy, difficult and frustrating task for auto mechanics especially if using an acetylene torch. Lug nuts rust easily and it can be very difficult to remove them.

The Mini-Ductor handheld induction heating tool, uses Invisible Heat® to heat ferrous metal (containing iron), and some non-ferrous metal, parts in seconds. This allows all types of adhesives bonded to metal, bonded with thread lock compound and seized hardware to be removed and released much quicker and more safely than by traditional naked flame heating. And there’s no costly and time consuming damage to surrounding areas.

Garages, technicians and tire shops do not need to run the risk of using a torch.

Step by Step Instructions

Equipment Needed:

  • heat resistant gloves
  • overalls
  • goggles
  • respirator mask (if smoke will be produced from heating)

Knowledge required:

A well-reviewed proficiency of the Mini-Ductor’s safety and operating instructions

Step 1: Select the Thin Wall Coil

Select the Thin Wall Coil

Step 2: Secure the Coil with Twist Lock™

Secure the Coil with the Twist Lock

Step 3: Place the Coil around the Lug Nut & Heat

Step 4: Remove the Lug Nut

Additional Resources

Watch Instructional Video

Our demonstration aims to provide proper use of the tools and clear instructions to efficiently complete your application.

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Forget the torch, heat faster and safer.